A Work In Progress: Update No. 4

After a long break over the holidays, we are finally back to give another exciting building update for our Adventure Abode Tiny House.  Although Lauren and I are still down in South Florida spending time with our families before we ship out west, Mustard Seed has continued with their exceptional progress towards our dream home.  Clint at Mustard Seed has been kind enough to fill-in as photographer and provided us with some photos so that we can check on the progress and be able to share that with our blog community.  

The most notable difference in this update is that our interior walls are in!  That means the insulation and electrical work is complete as well.  With the walls in place, the interior is starting to pick up a more refined look, as opposed to the raw skeletal look that it once had.  I also cannot wait to see how the rock wool insulation in the walls performs in the chilly high desert winter nights.  

The view looking into our kitchen, loft, bathroom, and bedroom all the way in the back

Shiplap accent wall in our bedroom

On the exterior, the primer coat has been painted on the front and back of the house.  We cannot wait to see what our final paint colors look like on the house, but this is definitely a clean start.  

Primer Coat (Front)
Primer Coat (Back)
Lastly, we have been spending a lot of time selecting light fixtures, fans, cabinet hardware, paint colors, shower tile, and seemingly millions of other pieces to the puzzle.  Those have all slowly trickled into the warehouse, awaiting installation. 

We have spent more time picking this stuff out than I would like to admit

What’s Next?
With a lot of the heavy lifting completed on the house, much of the focus is turning towards the details.  Soon, our shower will be tiled, light fixtures will be installed, and intensive cabinetry work will begin.  While the interior is really coming to fruition, the exterior paint and wood stain will be worked on in parallel.  Only a couple of weeks are left on the build, so we could not be more excited to see what the final home looks like.


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