Getting Used to Our Home

When we first decided to go Tiny, we were extremely excited by the idea of financial freedom, being able to move our home wherever we wanted to live, and simplifying our belongings. However, it was not until our completion date was quickly approaching that we started going through our stuff that the stress of getting rid of so much truly set in. In this post, we will tell you all the ins and outs of how our space (or lack thereof) has actually worked out. I previously wrote about how great it was to reduce our possessions to the stuff we use and love most, but with full transparency, that was not an easy process. In your twenty-somethings, it is really difficult to know what you will need down the road, and what is worth keeping for some unknown future purpose. In order to convince ourselves that the fourth and fifth rounds of purging were completely necessary, we put an image in our own heads that we were crazy people that were moving into an oversized shoebox...