About Us

Lauren and I are normal people with crazy dreams.  Lauren is a nurse, and spends most of her time saving lives (super casual).  I am a landscape and adventure lifestyle photographer, and I spend most of my time out in the woods, on the slopes of a mountain, or knee-deep in a creek.  Together we love spending time enjoying the beautiful outdoors, whether it is hiking, camping, kayaking, floating down a river with a beer in hand, you name it.

As much as we love mother nature, we also cherish being able to come home and simply relax.  Being able to spend hours in the kitchen with the heavenly voices of Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra playing in the background, while cooking up our favorite recipes, is truly one of our favorite past-times.  We are also big fans of Netflix, although Lauren falls asleep during 90% of the movies we watch.

Currently we are based in Atlanta, Georgia.  When our Tiny Home gets completed this winter, we will be moving to Bend, Oregon, where we hope to embrace the Pacific Northwest culture and spend as much time outdoors as possible. 

Come and follow us on our journey in our new Tiny House, as we figure out how to manage in an adventurous and unconventional lifestyle.

Tiny house blog, tiny house lifestyle, adventure abode, tiny house living


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