A Work in Progress: Update No. 2

Although not a ton has changed since our last building update, it does not feel that way.  The siding is finished, so our home officially has an exterior.  This has been monumental in the steps towards visualizing what the house will look like when it is complete.  

As with all of the progress thus far, one of the things that has surprised us the most is how quickly Mustard Seed Tiny Homes gets things done.  We prioritize quality over speed any day of the week, but when a builder works with the best people to provide you both, then you know you have it good.  

For the siding, we decided to go with Vinyl Lap Siding on the bottom of the sides, Board & Batten on the top of the sides, and Beveled Cedar on the ends.  We chose these materials because we really liked the idea of having a couple different textures on the house.  We felt like we were walking a very fine line between choosing something unique and aesthetically pleasing and choosing something that had too much going on in a small space and would end up looking chaotic. 

The front of our home, with Vinyl Lap Siding on the bottom and Board & Batten up top

 The Cedar is the most expensive of the three materials, so to help us keep our cost down while also embracing a cozy cabin-ish yet modern feel, we decided to only use the Cedar on the ends.  This acts like a wooden bookend for the house and gives it a unique look that we really like.  Since the Cedar does not take up much space on the house, this will also reduce a lot of time needed to periodically treat the wood to keep it healthy and beautiful.

Probably my favorite wall of the house. Big window, lots of Cedar

The Vinyl Lap Siding and the Board & Batten are affordable, durable, and lightweight.  Using these two materials on the front and back of our Tiny Home allows us to use contrasting patterns (horizontally oriented Lap Siding and vertically oriented Board & Batten) to give the house an interesting texture that is also subtle enough to be timeless.

Just dreaming about having all of my tools in this Utility Closet

It was such a relief to see the siding on the house and knowing that we both love it.  This was a big point of contention for us as we went back and forth about what kind of feel we wanted our home to have.  Both Lauren and I prioritized what we liked and made sacrifices on our non-mutual desires to come to an agreement that we were both totally stoked about.

What’s Next?

As we were there checking out the exterior, the HVAC unit was getting installed, so we look forward to seeing that set up on our next visit.  As the exterior is wrapping up (minus the paint and roof), the focus is now turned towards the interior.  Plumbing and electrical are the next two big to-do items, with insulation right around the corner. 

This view of the back and end of our home gives you a good view of the 3 materials and textures we decided to go with
Thanks for checking in guys!


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